
almost there! [i wish]

we are probably about halfway through with our projects...

this is a character sketch. i don't know what to tell you if you haven't read the book... i'll explain after it...

Article A: Entry from journal found near the body at the scene of the crime.

“[entry date smudged by water stains]
I havent’ written in a few days. In fact, I haven’t done much of anything since he came to visit me. Marlow, I believe was his name. I still don’t know exactly why he came. Maybe for closure? Who can tell… His cheeks were on the verge of sinking. He had a yellowish tint to his complexion.When he talked, his hands flew around wildly, with almost no control (Conrad 54). He did have a sort of radiating glow about him, though (56). But maybe that was simply an illusion. The weaknesses of his heart shone through in his words. He seems to be speaking only to please me (58). And I, I did not have the heart to let him know I could see through his lies. He told me of my Beloved’s last words. I simply could not believe him.
He brought me a stack of papers. And a picture. I remember giving that picture to my Beloved when… oh, nevermind. It doessn’t matter. I don’t even care anymore. Anyway, Marlow. He seemes to be talking only to make me happy. It was as if everything he had recently discovered meant nothing (154). He loved Kurtz. Not, of course, as I loved him. But he respected him, nonetheless (151). He was, though, a bit withdrawn whenhespoke of Kurtz, my beloved, and of the wilderness. His eyes became glossy. He just seemed… distant, I guess. A sense of panic would engulf him once in a while, before he came to his senses and gathered his thoughts (151).He was distracted by everything in the room. His eyes would wonder away from me as he remembered the happenings of their journeys (150).
He did, I am positive he knew my Beloved Kurtz better than anyone. If I am sure of anything, I am sure of that. He showed no sign of Kurtz’s love for me. It was not apparent. Marlow, bless him, did all he could to comfort me, and I thank him for this…
But now, I don’t think I can go on like this… I just can’t do it…


okay this is a journal entry written by a woman who was supposed to be married to Kurtz (a "main character" but really just an idea representing evil). Marlow, THE main character came to visit Kurtz's "intended." this was written afterwords.

the next few essays are the deeper ones: civilization essay, light/dark essay, gothicism essay, etc.

so yeah i'll finish sometime, i promise!

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