

i have a favorite tree. it's in Little Rock. it is a yellow gingko tree. sometime soon i am going to drive around Fayetteville searching for a tree like it. the only one i've ever seen is the one back home. i don't know what it is about this tree in the fall that gets me...

honestly, several times last fall i made trips to the street that this tree was on for no reason other than just to see it. i always wanted to stop and take a picture. but i never did. i wanted to be sure that i could get the best quality picture and i always made excuses as to why, if i had taken it at any certain moment, it wouldn't have been good enough.

i have searched and searched the internet for a decent picture. one that resembles my tree.

nothing. the best thing i've found is this:

but, this honestly looks nothing like the scene i'm picturing. this tree is the only tree in the yard and when it starts to turn yellow, you can help but look at it...

i'm sure there is something deep and philosophical i could say here, but i don't want to take the time to think about it. i just want to tell you about my tree.