
woah man.

so remember that time that i kind of freaked out a little bit when my eight-year-old brother asked me if i knew where i wanted to go to college? and i didn't know? yeahh woahhh. and this month i'm taking te PSAT, the ACT, and registering for the SAT. and there are 2 college fairs. i'm going on college visits. talking to reps coming to my school.

when did this all happen? since when am i supposed to be ready for college? i mean, don't get me wrong, i'm sooo excited. but dang, all of a sudden it seems like i have to have good test scores and be accept to college right now. which i know is not true. i just didn't realize how much of a hassle all of this was. phew.

okay i just had to get that out. i'm off to college fair number one: Christian College Fair at my school. since i'm on the college rep squad i will be meeting with the reps as they come in, showing them their stations, and counting attendance. woop-dee-doo.

song of the week: If My Heart Was a House by Owl City

BONUS SONG: Your Love is Extravagant by The Almost

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