

i'm just going to go out on a limb and blog about this.. maybe. am i? i don't know...

okay here goes. you hear that "relationships change," right? right. all the time. i hear this. but it seems that lately relationships in my life are changing more often and more rapidly than ever. this can not be categorized as a "good" or "bad" thing. it's just kind of happening. and it's strange. and trilling. and i like it. God has blessed me with revived relationships, strengthened relationships, and even new relationships...

there is a relationship that has been taken away, though.
not a specific one, just in general. i've never had any problem with dating, and i still don't. but honestly, i just don't think about it anymore. and if the random thought does happen to pop in my head, almost immediately another thought comes, telling me to not think about it. so i don't. and you all probably know this, but life is so much easier without that hanging over your head all the time.

i would expand on my dilemma. and the glitch in this system. but it's really not necessary. and it really doesn't even matter. and it makes me seem like i think about it all the time, which i kind of do... but hey i'm just a girl.

sorry this was so lame. if you guys actually read these, i love you.

p.s. i'm growing my hair out. get excited. according to jarrod, it will look good and guys generally like longer hair better. thanks friend.


noel said...

yeah... apparently jarrod thinks girls should never cut their hair. which we told me in response to my haircut. jerrrrk...

love you, though!

Georgia said...

i'm not exactly disagreeing with jarrod's argument, but remember this is coming from the boy who cut his hair but left his awful shaggy bangs the same.

just sayin'.