wow. a whole lot has happened since i last posted something on here. i've been so busy with more camp, mission trip, summer reading, trying to hang out with friends... that i just haven't gotten on here. soo here it goes...
i guess i'll start with my last week of camp. umm i was in kitchen again, and it was really good. it was hard to stay humble because i had done it before... but it was also really good to not have to worry about not knowing what to do every single minute of the day. and just relax and have fun. so the my experiences as a whole at cmap just continued to get better and better. i got to talk to steven (for about 30 seconds this time! yesss. haha) about how things were going. it was good for me. but, now i am thinking about applying for all summer next year. i don't know if i will, yet, but it has been constantly on my mind, and right now all i can do is pray that God will help me in my decision.
well after camp i was in little rock for about 18 hours... then i left for mission trip. it was a very strange week for me. i had never been on a mission trip before and i had NO IDEA what to expect. it was very hot, and we were outside all day. i was on a painting crew, which basically meant i was stuck with a bunch of middle schoolers all week. and although, it would have been really cool to get to hang out with people my age for once, it was good for me to have to step up and be a leader outside of my comfort zone. it ended up being a really good week, and although it wasn't really the kind of serving i am most comfortable with, i had a good time.
the last thing is... being home. i am now home for the rest of the summer. my best friend moved to texas, and is coming home soon to go to school at UCA, but he is still gone right now. i made really good friends at camp, and the fact that they are the kind of friends i would like to have is dissappointing. i've never realized how different people at camp and people at home are. brookhill creates like a whole different world. i've come home from camp before and noticed that it was hard to get back in to the swing of things... but this time it was wayy worse. being gone for a total of 6 weeks this summer, it has been really hard to come back and just jump in to things. i'm making an effort to hang out with school friends... but it has been really really difficult.
i know this sounds like i'm whining and life sucks... but that's not at all what i'm trying to get across. i'm just trying to document what's going on... i don't know i'm just bored. but really, life is brilliant and i'm really excited about everything that's going on this school year. but this summer just went by so fast. it's crazy to think that camp is over and people are getting ready to go back to school. it really is insane. but God did incredible things through Brookhill this summer and yeahh. this year will be good. hard, but good. life is good.
i don't really know why i'm writing all of this... i guess just because i'm sitting at home bored for like the third day in a row. for realz. buttttt yeah. i think i'll go now because i'm sick of typing. okayyy. love you guys.
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