
Too Full to Eat - David Nasser

this is long, but it's so incredible. please read it.

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." Matt 5:6

"You and I are at the banquet table of God's presence and truth, but too often we are so full of junk that we're not hungry. In actuality, spiritually, we are starving to death. We have settled for garbage instead of feasting on the nourishment God richly provides.
Chris Heurtz is a young man who is the head of Word Made Flesh Ministries in India and all around Asia. This ministry provides shelters for homeless people, those with AIDS, and those inflicted with other diseases. Years ago when he was a college student, Chris went to Calcutta to work with Mother Teresa at the House of the Dying. Calcutta and Mexico City are the largest cities in the world, but Calcutta is the poorest. Most of the thirteen million people there are destitute. Air pollution is oppressive. Poverty and disease are the way of life -- and death -- for most people. Every morning city maintenance workers find bodies on the sidewalk and in the street of those who died during the night. At the House of the Dying, Chris's job was to look for dying people on the street and bring them in to give them a place to die with dignity. Their goal was not to cure these people. It was to give them a dignified place to die. Chris and his fellow workers lovingly cared for them, gave them a good meal, and shared the Gospel with them so they could die in peace.
In Calcutta, 70% of the homeless population have the lung disease of tuberculosis. When you walk down the street, you thousands of old men and women coughing up their lungs. Day after day, hour after hour. Chris's ministry was to find those who had only hours or days to live and invite them, "Come with me. I'll give you a place to lie down." Upon arrival, their heads were shaved, and they were given a shower and a bowl of hot food. Chris then replaced their ragged, soiled clothes with clean ones. There, these men and women say with other dying people who coughed their lungs out into a jar that was passed around. When it was full, the jar was thrown into the garbage with the soiled clothes and infested hair.
Lepers came in with their flesh rotting and their noses, fingers, and toes missing. Their clothes had the stink of rotted flesh. At the House of the Dying, Chris and the other ministers washed these lepers' skin and gave them clean clothes to wear. The job of one of the workers was to stick a syringe into their pus-filled sores and extract the poisonous disease. Each syringe was used for person after person and day after day until it was too dull to pierce skin. Then it was thrown into the garbage can.
Children infected with AIDS, usually girls about four or five years old, were brought to the House of the Dying. How did these little girls get AIDS? By a blood transfusion? No. The dominant faith in India is the Hindu religion. One sect of the Hindus believes their men can get rid of a sexually transmitted disease by sleeping with a virgin—that means a four or five year old child. Many children older than this are already prostitutes. Chris Heurtz brought these children from the streets, and he listen to their screams and weeping. Chris once said, "We prayed the crying wouldn't stop, because their crying meant they were still alive." Lepers, children with AIDS, men and women with terminal tuberculosis—those were the ones Chris and his partners at the House of the Dying looked for each day. That's a far cry from out neat and clean existence, isn't it? At first, the disease and death would gross anybody out, but after a while, Chris saw hurting people in desperate need, not ugly people who interrupted his life.
Chris said, "One thing I begged not to do was taking out the garbage. The stench was almost unbearable. Can you imagine the disease, ragged clothing, and half-eaten food? I begged them not to ask me to do it. It haunted me forever after the first time I took out the garbage. As soon as we walked out the back door toward the dump, children camp out of the alleys and ripped open the bags to get whatever was there. I yelled, 'Don't east this garbage! It's full of disease and death!' But they were so hungry that they ate garbage because that was all they could find. They had no other choice. I wept was I saw them scramble through the spilled jars of disease, the clothing stained with rotten flesh, and used syringes, trying to get scraps of last night's dinner that a dying person didn't eat." Disturbing image, isn't it?! But in all honesty, how far are we from this spiritually? Can you see yourself feasting at the dumpster of this world?
Many of us are like those kids scrambling for garbage. We elbow each other at the mall, at the theater, in the back seat, at home, at work, on the net, and at school in our hunger for food, but the food we lunge and fight for is rotten and diseased—and we eat it. We eat it every time we fill our minds and hearts with sexually suggestive movies or music, every time we live to get revenge on someone who has hurt us, and every time we sty to put things in God's place in our hearts. We are so full of this junk that we aren't hungry for the food that really satisfies and nourishes. Sure, we may listen to a message or a song about God, and that message has as much appeal as another bite of pizza then we are so full we're about to explode. Our souls are so full of garbage that we don't even recognize our need for God's food.
It is a spiritual paradox that when we are thirsty for God and we drink, he satisfies us and yet leaves us thirsting for him even more. When we are hungry for God and eat his nourishing word, we are refreshingly satisfied and yet we are hungry for much more. Augustine said, "You have made us for yourself, O God, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in you." This is the same perspective that the prophet Jeremiah spoke: "When your words came, I hate them; they were my joy and my heart's delight. For I bear Your name, O Lord God Almighty." (Jeremiah 15:16). Eating requires intention, selection, and effort. We don't eat by being in the same room with food. We don't take in the grace and truth of God by being in a sanctuary or at a retreat. We have to take initiative to eat because we recognize our need for the spiritual nourishment it can provide. We also need to be very selective when sifting through the potions given to us by the world. Think of how many foods there are in the grocery store. You have lots of options! You have lots of options to eat spiritually, too—but remember, some of the foods you eat will poison you. It takes effort. Hear, read, study, memorize and meditate on the word of God.
Jeremiah had one other insight about "eating God's word." He realized that it only made sense for him to eat it because he bore God's name. We are God's. We call ourselves "Christians." We call him Lord, Savior, Father, and Friend. In many places in the Scriptures, we read that God provides a banquet for his people. God's banquet doesn't have flat Coke and leftover Spaghetti-O's! It has the finest, richest, most delicious spiritual food we can ever eat! When we eat it, we are filled with the love, peace, joy, and strength God richly provides. Nothing even compares!
So why are we so content to keep running out in the alley to rip open the garbage bags of this world to eat that poison? It just doesn't make sense."

-David Nasser

I know that was long, but it was SO GOOD. We read this today in the girls' discipleship j-term class. (I read outloud because no one else wanted to. I think if there was one reason God gave me a love for reading outloud, it was so I would get something out of this story.) well anyway, the fact that I read it instead of just listened to it made me realize a lot. It was not the most comfortable story to read. The story was so detailed that you knew it was true, and it made it easier to feel some of what these workers were experiencing. It made me just uncomfortable enough to stop and think about what he David Nasser (the author) was saying. Some of the garbage we fill ourselves with can be in relationships, possessions, or in our ambitions or goals. I'm not saying these things are bad for you, because they absolutely are not. It's just that a lot of times, we don't enter into these things with a strictly Godly mindset. If we don't use these things the right way (which might be ambiguous at times) they can poison us. The ambiguity of these things makes our pursuit difficult. It's sometimes difficult to enter with Godly intentions. The only thing that can keep us away from the garbage is God's word. During discussion we were asked to share a "time when God's truth and grace was a 'joy and a delight to your heart.'" It was cool to hear the different stories of when people experienced the truth of God's word in their lives. The devotion ended with Psalm 56:3-4 which says, "When I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not fear. What can man do to me?"

1 comment:

Meredith said...

Very powerful, Avery. Those are such sad and disturbing images. You have a lot wisdom, and not just for your age. I think it's awesome that you girls are studying this at school.

PS--I always loved to read out loud in school too. :)